Catalog of the Santa Lucia of Magras Choir
The indexed database collects more than 3,000 sacred music scores, manuscripts and printed, from the period between the last decades of the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century, when the spread of Cecilianism produced a radical transformation and homologation of the liturgical repertoire. The archive is unique on a national level, being the first Italian example of a digital archive entirely dedicated to this musical tradition. Digital cataloging aims to allow scholars and musicians to extract information relevant to customized queries and to carry out complex searches on the data linked to each individual archival unit. Catalog created with the contribution of: Caritro Foundation, Adige Catchment Area Consortium and Cultural Activities Service of the Autonomous Province of Trento.
The catalog is freely available for consultation. In order to download the complete scores, you need to register.
For information about scores not available for download, write to